Dance Lessons – Why Rubies Dance Centre and shopping on the internet
If you’re looking to have dance lessons – why Rubies Dance Centre? Why choose to have your dance lessons with us?
When choosing to buy anything now, we usually turn to the internet first. So have you ever thought about what the internet has actually done for our lives? How it has changed the way we think and deal with the everyday. If you’re deciding whether to have dance lessons at Rubies Dance Centre, you can now go to Google or Facebook to find our reviews. This should give you a good idea of what to expect and why to have your dance lessons Rubies Dance Centre.
True, the internet has its downsides. It has given us fresh security issues. We panic about lazy, good for nothing criminals that want to empty our bank accounts at every opportunity. We read about mob mentalities that lead to cyberbullying. So we spend our time worrying that not everything is as it seems in the internet realm.
The dark side of the internet can be pretty scary. You can’t deny though that it helps. My wife and I now shop for everything on the internet from ski lessons to baby clothes. The internet can help you to discover why to have your dance lessons at Rubies Dance Centre. We know that our customers rely on the internet to help them decide why to have dance lessons with us. If you’d like to find out more about what we offer then you can check out our website.
Dance Lessons – Why Rubies Dance Centre? – We keep it in the family
We believe that using the internet as a tool for research is an important way to find out if we are the school for you. What the internet doesn’t tell you and won’t tell you is who Rubies Dance Centre are and what we stand for.
So let us tell you.
We are not a big corporate business. We are the opposite: an old-fashioned family run business. I know other companies use that slogan too. However, it often means that it was started by a family one hundred years ago but today is just another faceless corporation. At Rubies though, you will only find myself (Neil, the Head Coach), my wife and only recently – my son, Malakhi. My little one is just eight weeks old at the time of writing (July 2018) so is truly a brand new addition. We only have one other dance teacher named Ros who has been a friend for many years and who I trained personally.
So for dance lessons – why Rubies Dance Centre? That’s one reason – you’ll experience the genuine family business experience. We often have comments about how nice it is to see our newborn in the studio and have a cuddle. He loves the music, being around new people and growing up in the dance family. Everyone else loves the relaxed, family atmosphere.
You can read more about the values of Rubies Dance Centre here.
Dance Lessons – Why Rubies Dance Centre? – We are who we say we are
So if you are looking for dance lessons – why Rubies Dance Centre? We really are all about the dancing. Everything else just comes down to integrity. Even before GDPR, the only reason we would ever use your contact details would be to tell you about dancing. That will never change. You can read more about our privacy policy here. If you need advice and help with your dancing, we will always be honest with you. I am a coach before a businessman and your dancing will always be my top priority.
Dance Lessons – Why Rubies Dance Centre? – Expertise
But I suppose if you are looking for dance lessons then the most important thing is that we know how to teach you. So for dance lessons – why Rubies Dance Centre? Above all else, we are great at what we do. I started my career in dancing on the competitive circuit. Therefore, excellence and perfection are bred into how I think about dancing. I have brought this attitude with me to my coaching. Consequently, whether you are a beginner or a competitor yourself, I will strive to make your dancing the best it can be. Whatever your dancing goal, we will reach it together at Rubies Dance Centre.
Dance Lessons – Why Rubies Dance Centre? – Three reasons that count
So if you are looking for dance lessons and want to know why to choose Rubies Dance Centre then keep these three things in mind:
- Dance Lessons – Why Rubies Dance Centre – we are a genuine, family business
- Dance Lessons – Why Rubies Dance Centre – we care about integrity
- Dance Lessons – Why Rubies Dance Centre – we are the experts
Convinced and want to give us a try? You can contact us or check out our timetable.
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